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at the mr white’s house
在怀特先生家里  detail>>
mr white
怀特先生  detail>>
mr and mrs white
怀特先生和夫人  detail>>
the late mr white
已故的怀特先生  detail>>
the white house
美国华盛顿白宫 (美国政府)白宫 走进白宫  detail>>
white house
〔美国〕白宫;〔口语〕美国总统的职权[意见(等)]。   detail>>
commission on white house fellowships
白宫同事联谊会  detail>>
confessions of a white house ghostwriter
白宫写手忏悔录  detail>>
one white house official
一位白宫官员  detail>>
organizations of the white house
白宫办事机构名称一览  detail>>
summer white house
〔美国〕总统避暑别墅。   detail>>
the office of white house counsel
和白宫律师办公室  detail>>
the white house office
白宫办公厅 办公厅  detail>>
western white house
西部白宫  detail>>
white house chief of staff
白宫办公厅主任  detail>>
white house communications director
白宫通讯联络主任  detail>>
white house conferences on aging
白宫老年议会  detail>>
white house correspondents association
白宫记者协会  detail>>